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Rudrich Auguste [∞ Präzeptor]
cousin of grandfather(DoSiFaFaFaX / #172)
+zwischen 1900 und 1973
Rudrich Eva
cousin 3rd. degree(DoSoSoSiFaFaFaX / #2310)
Rudrich Helmut
cousin 3rd degree(SoSoSoSiFaFaFaX / #2311)
Rudrich Herbert
cousin 2nd degree of father(SoSoSiFaFaFaX / #175)
Rudrich Josef
brother in law of grand[2]father(HuSiFaFaFaX / #171)
Rudrich Katharina
daughter of cousin 3rd degree(DoSoSoSoSiFaFaFaX / #2313)
*zwischen1979 und 1995
Rudrich Richard
cousin of grandfather(SoSiFaFaFaX / #173)
Rudrich Elisabeth geb. Schröfl
sister of grand[2]father(SiFaFaFaX / #159)
Rudrich Margarethe geb. Dworak
wife of cousin of grandfather(WiSoSiFaFaFaX / #174)
+zwischen 1931 und 1998
Rudrich Maria geb. Winkler
wife of cousin 2nd degree of father(WiSoSoSiFaFaFaX / #2309)
Rudrich Monika geb. Ludl
wife of cousin 3rd degree(WiSoSoSoSiFaFaFaX / #2312)
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