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Hafner Andreas
grandson of cousin of wife(SoSoDoBrFaWiX / #2237)
Hafner Erich
husband of cousin of wife(HuDoBrFaWiX / #1943)
Hafner Martin
son of cousin of wife(SoDoBrFaWiX / #1972)
Hafner Michael
grandson of cousin of wife(SoSoDoBrFaWiX / #2238)
Hafner N.
daughter of cousin of wife(DoDoBrFaWiX / #1973)
*zwischen1966 und 1986
Hafner Manuela geb. Hacker
daugther in law of cousin of wife(WiSoDoBrFaWiX / #2236)
Hafner Trude geb. Kloiber
cousin of wife(DoBrFaWiX / #1939)
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