Sarah Kliche

The graphic shows a combination between an pedigree chart and an anchestors chart. It was my intention to show all relatives a person meets in his or her life - from grand parents generation to the generation of the grand children. The kind of relationship is coded with colored lines. Partners of a person are to be found in the same column, but are not connected.

Two generations younger One generation younger Same generation One generation older Two generations older
Sarah KlicheParentsGrandparents
Grandnieces & grandnephewsNieces, nephewsSiblings
Children of half-siblingsHalf-siblingsParents' partners
Grandchildren of cousinsChildren of cousinsCousinsParents' siblings... of Sarah Kliche

 Teuschl Stephan
*197x in Wiener Neudorf    

 Teuschl Thomas
*05.01.1983 in Wiener Neudorf
+09.11.2004 in Biedermannsdorf    

 Teuschl Johann
*195x in Wien    

 Teuschl Catherine
*197x in St.Othmar   

 Rahir Marie-Thérèse Alberte
*195x in Boma   

Sarah Kliche

 Schröfl Christa
*194x in Linz   

 Kliche Thomas

 Kliche Wolfgang
*195x in Wien   

 Kliche Nico

 Kliche Roland

 Kliche Felix

  Paul Schröfl

 Kliche Sabine
