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Decker August
husband of aunt of wife(HuSiFaWiX / #1944)
*22.04.1911 in Königsdorf?
Decker David
grandson of cousin of wife(SoDoSoSiFaWiX / #2192)
Decker Ewald
cousin of wife(SoSiFaWiX / #1945)
*194x in Königsdorf
Decker Jutta [∞ Hallemann]
daughter of cousin of wife(DoSoSiFaWiX / #1971)
*zwischen1963 und 1989
Decker Manfred
cousin of wife(SoSiFaWiX / #1946)
Decker Manfred
son of cousin of wife(SoSoSiFaWiX / #2195)
*zwischen1963 und 1987
Decker Marion [∞ Forjan]
daughter of cousin of wife(DoSoSiFaWiX / #1969)
Decker Markus
son of cousin of wife(SoSoSiFaWiX / #1968)
Decker Nadine
granddaugther of cousin of wife(DoDoSoSiFaWiX / #2191)
Decker Beate geb. Reiter
daugther in law of cousin of wife(WiSoSoSiFaWiX / #2196)
*zwischen1958 und 1989
Decker Erna geb. Kurz
wife of cousin of wife(WiSoSiFaWiX / #1967)
*194x in Zahling
Decker Helene "vulgo Neubauer" geb. Deutsch
wife of husband of aunt of wife(WiHuSiFaWiX / #2258)
*zwischen1906 und 1931
Decker Maria geb. Kloiber
aunt of wife(SiFaWiX / #1927)
*22.01.1921 in Wallendorf
+08.11.2006 in Königsdorf
Decker Theresia "Resi" geb. Fischl
wife of cousin of wife(WiSoSiFaWiX / #1970)
*zwischen1936 und 1961
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