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Fantl Arthur
uncle of brother in law of grandmother(BrMoHuSiMoMoX / #1732)
+zwischen 1896 und 1973
Fantl Emma [∞ Morawetz]
mother in law of sister of grandmother(MoHuSiMoMoX / #80)
*05.06.1875 in Wittingau
+04.08.1954 in Wien
Fantl Karl
grandfather of brother in law of grandmother(FaMoHuSiMoMoX / #1731)
Fantl Angele geb. Faranga
wife of uncle of brother in law of grandmother(WiBrMoHuSiMoMoX / #1733)
*29.12.1886 in Wien
+12.06.1972 in Wien
Fantl Theresia geb. Metzl
grandmother of brother in law of grandmother(MoMoHuSiMoMoX / #1730)
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