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Koralek Ernst
cousin of grandmother(SoSiMoMoMoX / #433)
+zwischen 1914 und 2009
Koralek Gerson
brother in law of grand[2]mother(HuSiMoMoMoX / #428)
+1941 in Wien
Koralek Lilly [∞ Löw]
cousin of grandmother(DoSiMoMoMoX / #429)
+zwischen 1927 und 2002
Koralek Robert
cousin of grandmother(SoSiMoMoMoX / #432)
+zwischen 1918 und 2008
Koralek Hedi geb. N.
wife of cousin of grandmother(WiSoSiMoMoMoX / #2288)
*1908 in Wien
+1999 in Hampstead
Koralek Jennie geb. N.
wife of cousin of grandmother(WiSoSiMoMoMoX / #2289)
*zwischen1904 und 1940
Koralek Paula geb. Willheim
sister of grand[2]mother(SiMoMoMoX / #74)
+zwischen 1888 und 1975
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