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Teuschl Catherine [∞ Kliche]
wife of nephew(WiSoDoFaX / #2283)
*197x in St.Othmar
Teuschl Ernst
*zwischen1914 und 2009
Teuschl Johann
father in law of nephew(FaWiSoDoFaX / #2315)
*195x in Wien
Teuschl Johann Georg
grandfather of wife of nephew(FaFaWiSoDoFaX / #2317)
*192x in Wien
Teuschl Stephan
brother in law of nephew(BrWiSoDoFaX / #2320)
*197x in Wiener Neudorf
Teuschl Thomas
brother in law of nephew(BrWiSoDoFaX / #2321)
*05.01.1983 in Wiener Neudorf
+09.11.2004 in Biedermannsdorf
Teuschl Veronika [∞ Ernst, Zimmerhackl]
aunt of wife of nephew(SiFaWiSoDoFaX / #2323)
*196x in Wien
Teuschl Gertrude geb. Zele
grandmother of wife of nephew(MoFaWiSoDoFaX / #2316)
*192x in Wien
Teuschl Marie-Thér?se Alberte geb. Rahir
mother in law of nephew(MoWiSoDoFaX / #2314)
*195x in Notre Dame
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